Job info, Split to booklets, Pdf/ps optimization – Xerox 242 User Manual
Page 211
Setting Parameters in the Job Parameters Window
Job Info
This parameter provides the following information:
Job Title: Original name of the file related to this job
Sender: User name of the system from which this job originated
Account: Account number of a specific customer or group
Recipient: Name of customer
Job Comments: Any special instructions that you want to include with your job
Split to booklets
Split to booklets parameter enables you to split a PostScript, PDF, or large VI job
that does not have a booklet structure into booklets.
In the
Split to booklets options area, select Yes.
In the
Number of pages per booklet box, type the desired number.
PDF/PS Optimization
Select this check box if you have a PDF job with repeated elements and want to
significantly decrease processing time by applying the PDF workflow.
The PDF workflow caches the repeated elements in the PDF once, and reuses
them as much as required without repeated processing.
Note: This feature is only available for the Pro Basic and Pro Control Station
Note: Unexpected results might occur when you use this option for VI jobs
that already have a booklet structure.
Note: If the specified number of pages per booklet is not sufficient to
produce complete booklets and there are a few pages left over, the last
pages form a booklet containing less pages than specified.
Note: Verify that in your Acrobat Distiller settings,
Optimize for Fast Web
is selected (in Acrobat 4.0 the corresponding option is
Optimize PDF