10 use waypoints, 1 create a waypoint, 2 create an event mark – NorthStar Navigation NorthStar 8000i User Manual
Page 69
Northstar 8000i Operation Manual
Use waypoints
You can:
create a waypoint or an event mark
select and show a waypoint on the chart
delete a waypoint
hide a waypoint
navigate to a waypoint
stop navigating to a waypoint
center the chart screen on a waypoint
display the waypoint details
change the waypoint details
display the Waypoints Library
delete a waypoint from the Waypoints Library
If a waypoint has been named, has had the icon changed, or has had notes added,
it is stored in the Waypoints Library.
Create a waypoint
You can create a waypoint anywhere on the Chart screen (except the shaded
frame around the edge).
To create a waypoint:
1. Display
Chart screen and the control panel.
2. Select the position on the chart where you want the new waypoint,
then select Create Waypoint Here
3. The 8000i immediately creates the new waypoint and displays the
Waypoint Details box with some details (such as the latitude and
longitude of the waypoint) already entered.
4. Use the Waypoint Details information box to add or change the
information, (see "Change the waypoint details" page 73)
5. When you are finished, select Return. If you have used the Waypoint
Details information box to change any of the details, the new waypoint
is stored in the Waypoint Library and is shown on the Chart screen with
a red circle around it.
Create an event mark
An event mark is a waypoint at your vessel's current position.
To create an event mark:
1. Display
Chart screen and the control panel. Then select the MARK
2. The 8000i immediately creates an event mark at your vessel's current