4 find range and bearing with floating vrm/ebl – NorthStar Navigation NorthStar 8000i User Manual
Page 141
Northstar 8000i Operation Manual
9. The 8000i updates the bearing readout with each change. Select OK
when you are at the target.
10. When you are finished, select Return.
11. If you want to find the range and bearing of another target from your
vessel, select VRM/EBL 2 then repeat the sequence.
NOTE: If you select the junction of the EBL/VRM, you can drag them both at the
same time.
NOTE: If there's no heading data available from a heading sensor, the EBL readouts
are relative to your vessel's heading.
Find range and bearing with floating VRM/EBL
You can use one or both of the VRM/EBL (Variable Range Markers/Electronic
Bearing Lines) to show the precise range and bearing from one location to another
on your Radar screen; for example, from one island to another.
To find the range and bearing of target with a floating VRM/EBL:
1. Display
Radar screen and control panel. If you can't see the
Range and Bearing button, select Return.
2. Select
Range and Bearing.
3. The
EBL Reference button shows the current setting. Select:
North if you want the EBL bearing to be referenced to North
Relative if you want the EBL bearing to be relative to your vessel's
4. Select
VRM/EBL 1 to VRM 1 and EBL 1 on your Radar screen. If
Show VRM/EBL 1 is toggled Off, select it to toggle it On. Note
that if the VRM/EBL 1 position is not shown initially when you
toggle it On, because it's outside the current radar range, it'll be
adjusted to appear at one third of the current range.
5. The
Radar screen shows:
A dotted, circular line centered around your vessel. This is VRM 1
and the radius is set at the most recent position.
A dotted line extending from your vessel to the edge of your Radar
screen. This is EBL 1 and the bearing is relative to your vessel. The
default angle is 045° Relative.
A message box showing the range and bearing of the VRM/EBL. If
you can't see this, select VRM/EBL 1 Data to turn it On.
6. Select
Floating EBL 1 and a message asks you to select the EBL
center. The Center EBL 1 setting should be Off. (If it's On, the EBL will be
centered on your vessel.)
7. Select the EBL center for the first location, then select Return.
8. To show the range readout, you can either:
drag VRM 1 across the PPI until it touches the target, or
select Adjust VRM 1 then use Up or Down or the rotary knob
to increase or decrease the radius of VRM1 until it touches the