24 measure range and bearing, 1 find range and bearing with the cursor, 2 show/hide a vrm/ebl – NorthStar Navigation NorthStar 8000i User Manual
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Northstar 8000i Operation Manual
Measure range and bearing
This section explains how to:
find the range and bearing
show and hide a VRM/EBL
find the range and bearing with fixed VRM/EBL
find the range and bearing with floating VRM/EBL
set the EBL reference bearing
Find range and bearing with the cursor
You can use the cursor to quickly find the precise range and bearing of a target
from your vessel.
You can also use one, or both, of the VRM/EBL (Variable Range Markers/Electronic
Bearing Lines), see "Find range and bearing with fixed VRM/EBL".
To find the range and bearing of a target with the cursor:
1. Select the target on your Radar screen.
2. The range and bearing is shown in the status bar at the top of the
Radar screen, next to the cursor readout. Select the cursor readout to
show the Lat/Long position (if GPS data is available).
3. When you are finished, select Return.
NOTE: If there's no heading data available from a heading sensor, the bearing
readouts are relative to your vessel's head.
Show/hide a VRM/EBL
You can show or hide one, or both, of the VRM/EBL (Variable Range
Markers/Electronic Bearing Lines) on your Radar screen.
Off is the default and hides the VRM/EBL.
To show or hide VRM/EBL data:
1. Display
Radar screen and control panel. If you can't see the
Range and Bearing button, select Return.
2. Select
Range and Bearing.
3. Select
VRM/EBL 1 to show the control panel for VRM1 and EBL1. If
Show VRM/EBL 1 is toggled Off, select it to toggle it On. The
Radar screen shows:
VRM 1. A thin, circular, dotted line centered around your vessel. The
radius is set at the most recent position.
EBL 1. A thin dotted line extending from your vessel to the edge of
your Radar screen. The bearing is relative to your vessel. The
default angle is 045° Relative.