2 operation when instruction cache is disabled, 3 fetch policy, 4 round-robin replacement algorithm – Intel NETWORK PROCESSOR IXP2800 User Manual

Page 90: Operation when instruction cache is disabled, Fetch policy, Round-robin replacement algorithm

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Hardware Reference Manual



IXP2800 Network Processor

Intel XScale



Operation when Instruction Cache is Disabled

Disabling the cache prevents any lines from being written into the instruction cache. Although the

cache is disabled, it is still accessed and may generate a “hit” if the data is already in the cache.

Disabling the instruction cache does not disable instruction buffering that may occur within the

instruction fetch buffers. Two 8-word instruction fetch buffers will always be enabled in the cache
disabled mode. As instruction fetches continue to “hit” within either buffer (even in the presence of

forward and backward branches), no external fetches for instructions are generated. A miss causes

one or the other buffer to be filled from external memory using the fill policy.

Fetch Policy

An instruction-cache “miss” occurs when the requested instruction is not found in the instruction

fetch buffers or instruction cache; a fetch request is then made to external memory. The instruction
cache can handle up to two “misses.” Each external fetch request uses a fetch buffer that holds

32-bytes and eight valid bits, one for each word. A miss causes the following:

1. A fetch buffer is allocated.

2. The instruction cache sends a fetch request to the external bus. This request is for a 32-byte line.

3. Instructions words are returned back from the external bus, at a maximum rate of 1 word per

core cycle. As each word returns, the corresponding valid bit is set for the word in the fetch

4. As soon as the fetch buffer receives the requested instruction, it forwards the instruction to the

instruction decoder for execution.

5. When all words have returned, the fetched line will be written into the instruction cache if it is

cacheable and if the instruction cache is enabled. The line chosen for update in the cache is

controlled by the round-robin replacement algorithm. This update may evict a valid line at that

6. Once the cache is updated, the eight valid bits of the fetch buffer are invalidated.

Round-Robin Replacement Algorithm

The line replacement algorithm for the instruction cache is round-robin. Each set in the instruction

cache has a round-robin pointer that keeps track of the next line (in that set) to replace. The next
line to replace in a set is the one after the last line that was written. For example, if the line for the

last external instruction fetch was written into way 5-set 2, the next line to replace for that set

would be way 6. None of the other round-robin pointers for the other sets are affected in this case.

After reset, way 31 is pointed to by the round-robin pointer for all the sets. Once a line is written
into way 31, the round-robin pointer points to the first available way of a set, beginning with way0

if no lines have been locked into that particular set. Locking lines into the instruction cache

effectively reduces the available lines for cache updating. For example, if the first three lines of a
set were locked down, the round-robin pointer would point to the line at way 3 after it rolled over

from way 31.