5 dual protocol (spi and csix-l1) support, 1 dual protocol receiver support, 2 dual protocol transmitter support – Intel NETWORK PROCESSOR IXP2800 User Manual

Page 312: Dual protocol (spi and csix-l1) support, Dual protocol receiver support, Dual protocol transmitter support

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Hardware Reference Manual



IXP2800 Network Processor

Media and Switch Fabric Interface


Dual Protocol (SPI and CSIX-L1) Support

In many system designs that are less bandwidth-intensive, a single network processor can forward

and process data from the framer to the fabric and from the fabric to the framer. A bridge chip must

pass data between the network processor and multiple physical devices. The network processor
supports multiplexing SPI-4.2 and CSIX-L1 protocol elements over the same transmitter and

receiver physical interfaces, differentiated by a protocol signal that is de-asserted for SPI-4.2

protocol elements and asserted for CSIX-L1 protocol elements.

In the dual protocol configuration, the CSIX-L1 configuration of the network processor
corresponds to the dual chip, full duplex configuration. The flow control transmitter interface is

looped back to the flow control receiver interface, either externally or internally. Only the LVTTL

status interface is available for the SPI-4.2 interface.

Dual Protocol Receiver Support

When the network processor receiver is configured for dual protocol support, the aggregate

receiver buffer is partitioned in three ways: 50% for data CFrames (4 Kbytes), 37.5% for SPI-4.2
bursts (3 Kbytes) and 12.5% for control CFrames (1 Kbyte). The buffer sizes within each partition

are independently configurable. Link-level flow control can be independently configured for

assertion at thresholds of 25%, 50%, 75%, or 87.5%. For the traffic associated with each partition,
an additional 680 bytes of packed FIFO storage is available to accommodate received traffic after

assertion of link-level flow control.

Dual Protocol Transmitter Support

When the network processor transmitter is configured for dual protocol support, the aggregate

transmitter buffer is partitioned three ways, in the same proportions as the receiver. Each partition

operates as a separate ring. The transmitter services each ring in round-robin order. If no CFrames
are pending, an Idle CFrame is transmitted to update link-level flow control. If no SPI-4.2 bursts

are pending, idle control words are not sent.