3 microengine to msf csr for instruction, 4 from rbuf to dram for instruction, Microengine s_transfer_out register to tbuf or – Intel NETWORK PROCESSOR IXP2800 User Manual

Page 291: Msf csr for instruction, Microengine to msf csr for instruction, From rbuf to dram for instruction

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Hardware Reference Manual




IXP2800 Network Processor

Media and Switch Fabric Interface


RBUF or MSF CSR to Microengine S_TRANSFER_IN

Register for Instruction:

msf[read, $s_xfer_reg, src_op_1, src_op_2, ref_cnt], optional_token

For transfers to a Microengine, the MSF acts as a target. Commands from Microengines and the
Intel XScale


core are received on the command bus. The commands are checked to see if they are

targeted to the MSF. If so, they are enqueued into the Command Inlet FIFO, and then moved to the

Read Cmd FIFO. When the Command Inlet FIFO is nearly full, it asserts a signal to the command
arbiters. The command arbiters prevent further commands to the MSF until after the full signal is

asserted. The RBUF element or CSR specified in the address field of the command is read and the

data is registered in the SPUSH_DATA register. The control logic then arbitrates for
S_PUSH_BUS, and when granted, it drives the data.


Microengine S_TRANSFER_OUT Register to TBUF or

MSF CSR for Instruction:

msf[write, $s_xfer_reg, src_op_1, src_op_2, ref_cnt], optional_token

For transfers from a Microengine, the MSF acts as a target. Commands from Microengines are

received on the two command buses. The commands are checked to see if they are targeted to the
MSF. If so, they are enqueued into the Command Inlet FIFO, and then moved to the Write Cmd

FIFO. When the Command Inlet FIFO is nearly full, it asserts a signal to the command arbiters.

The command arbiters prevent further commands to the MSF until after the full signal is asserted.
The control logic then arbitrates for S_PULL_BUS, and when granted, it receives and registers the

data from the Microengine into the S_PULL_DATA register. It then writes that data into the TBUF

element or CSR specified in the address field of the command.


Microengine to MSF CSR for Instruction:

msf[fast_write, src_op_1, src_op_2]

For fast write transfers from the Microengine, the MSF acts as a target. Commands from

Microengines are received on the two command buses. The commands are checked to see if they
are targeted to the MSF. If so, they are enqueued into the Command Inlet FIFO, and then moved to

the Write Cmd FIFO. When the Command Inlet FIFO is nearly full, it asserts a signal to the

command arbiters. The command arbiters prevent further commands to the MSF until after the full
signal is asserted. The control logic uses the address and data, both found in the address field of the

command. It then writes the data into the CSR specified.


From RBUF to DRAM for Instruction:

dram[rbuf_rd, --, src_op1, src_op2, ref_cnt], indirect_ref

For the transfers to DRAM, the RBUF acts like a slave. The address of the data to be read is given
in D_PULL_ID. The data is read from RBUF and registered in the D_PULL_DATA register. It is

then multiplexed and driven to the DRAM channel on D_PULL_BUS.