To select carrier waveform, Fh switch, Fh interval – RIGOL DG5000 Series User Manual

Page 134: To select carrier waveform -4 fh switch -4, Fh interval -4

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Chapter 8 FH Output (Option)

User’s Guide for DG5000


To Select Carrier Waveform

As mentioned above, the allowed carrier waveform for FH is only Sine. To select Sine
waveform, press Sine.
 If other waveform is selected, the generator will automatically turn off the FH


 If Mod is currently enabled (only for AM or ASK), press Sine, Sine could still be

used as AM carrier waveform but its carrier frequency will be varied.

 The FH output is not relevant to the “Freq/Period” of the current Sine waveform,

but is related to its “Ampl/HiLevel”, “Offset/LoLevel” and “Start Phase”. The FH
output frequency relates to the generator model and is up to 250 MHz.

FH Switch

When FH is enabled, press Switch to select “On” or “Off”.
 On: turn the switch on. The generator will output FH waveform from the

corresponding channel according to the current setting. You could reset the
function menu for FH. Please refer to the introduction in the following text.

 Off: turn the switch off.

FH Interval

FH interval is defined as the time interval that the output frequency jumps from one to

When FH is enabled, press Interval and use the numeric keyboard or the knob to
input the desired value. The default is 10 ms and the available range is from 80 ns to
1 s.