Index – HEIDENHAIN IK 5394-3D User Manual
Page 571

.csv 2-116
2-D features 2-1
2-D Measurement with VED 2-53
3-D features 2-1, 2-36, 6-62
Absolute values 6-51
Access database 2-119
Access to settings 6-74
Accuracy 6-4
Actions 4-80
Activate the contact probe group 2-31
Activate the VED probe group 2-17, 2-55
Active Layer 1-18
Active probe 2-5, 2-88
Active probe tip 1-18
Active reference frame 1-18
Add buttons to a toolbar 1-26, 4-76
Add data to the runs template 5-86
Adding data to templates 5-41
Adding data to the reports template 5-46
Advanced edge teach tool 6-24
Advanced teach mode 6-24
Alignment 6-4
All tolerance template 2-102
Amplitude variations 6-4
Analog encoders 6-2
Angle 2-86, 2-92, 5-34, 6-67
Angle button 2-86
Angle display mode 1-18
Animation rate 6-32
Appearance tab 5-74
Approach 4-43
Approach in Z 3-87, 6-89
Arc tool 2-18, 4-20
Arithmetic operators 4-81
Arrays 4-51
ASCII delimiter 6-75
Assign a zoom position for a magnification 3-5
Auto 3-58
Auto focus teach 3-7
Autofocus button 3-12
Automated text input & prompting 5-53
Automatic backups 6-73
Automatic probe alignment 6-23
Automatic redraw of part view 6-55
Average probe 3-34, 3-48
Axes 6-80
Axis 6-2
Axis lock 6-65
Axis motion direction 6-81
Axis motion profile 6-82
Axis movement direction 6-84
Axis movement sensitivity 6-83, 6-84
Axis scale type 6-2
Backups 6-72
Bi-directional tolerance 2-93, 5-3
Blob probe 3-34, 3-50
Bolt hole circle 2-64
Brackets 4-86, 5-75
Brightness 6-5
Buffer probe 3-34, 3-46
Button 1-7
Button functions 6-64
Buttons screen 6-63
Calibrate the system encoders 6-2
Calibrating analog encoders 6-3
Calibrating the display of magnification value 6-28
Calibrating the joystick 6-81
Calibration slide 6-29
Calibrations 3-1, 3-7
Camera calibration 3-7, 3-20
Camera image type 6-31
Camera_1 3-1
Cameras 3-75
Cartesian 1-18
Center-to-center distance 2-70
Chart rotation 6-30
Chart-to-image ratio 6-25
Circle 2-33, 2-55, 2-74, 4-32
Circle button 2-64, 2-84
Circle probe 2-56, 3-34, 3-44
Circular runout 5-32
Circularity 5-18
Clearance move 2-7
Clearance move or goto position step 4-48
CNC movement warnings 6-43
CNC moves 6-68
Co-planarity 5-28
Coefficient data 6-75
Coefficient labels 6-75
Collision avoidance for touch probes 6-44
Collisions 2-8
Color list items 6-7
Colors screen 6-6
Combined-phase pattern 6-5
Comma separated variable file (.csv) 2-116
Complete a program 2-122
Concentricity tolerance 5-14
Conditional statements 4-80
Conditions 4-80