HEIDENHAIN IK 5394-3D User Manual
Page 228

Chapter 3 Probes
Terminating scans with the stop sign
When separated from the worm probe, the stop sign can be placed at any point
on the image edge to terminate the scanning process.
The stop sign is separated from the worm probe by double-clicking the hand
icon over the center of the probe. The stop sign can then be positioned at any
point by clicking and dragging it.
The stop sign is green when connected, and red when separated from the probel.
The stop sign is reunited with the probe by clicking and dragging it back over
the center of the probe and releasing the mouse button, or by double-clicking
the stop sign.
Extending scans beyond the field of view
The field of view is indicated by a rectangle that encloses the contents of the
video window. Red rectangles stop scans at the edge of the field of view, green
rectangles permit the scanning to extend beyond the field of view.
The field of view rectangle can be
toggled from red to green to ex-
tend scanning beyond the field of
view rectangle. Click on the field
of view rectangle to toggle it be-
tween red and green. When scans
are extended beyond the field of
view, the CNC stage will repeat-
edly reposition the camera over the
part so that all required perimeter
edges are scanned.
Stop sign placed for scanning left
Stop sign placed for scanning right
Separate the stop sign by
double-clicking it
Once the stop sign is
Click and drag it to the
desired location
Click on the field of view rectangle...
to toggle it to green and permit
scanning beyond the field of view