HEIDENHAIN IK 5394-3D User Manual
Page 498

6 - 48
Chapter 6 System Setup
Locking results
Check the Lock the fields... box to prevent changes to the contents of the results
window. This also prevents dragging results from the results window into a
template window.
Locking the status bar
Check the Lock the status bar... box to
prevent status bar changes.
Locking the DRO
Check the Lock the DRO... box to prevent
zeroing an axis datum.
Locking the run mode
Check the Activate “Run Only” mode box to limit QC5000 activities to only
running existing programs.
Locking part
Leave the Allow overwriting box unchecked to prevent non-supervisory person-
nel from saving new part files using existing part file names.
Locking supervisor settings
Check the Prevent supervisor... box to prevent changes to the configuration set-
tings made by supervisory personnel in the Tools Custom, Tools Options and
Tools CNC screens.
Locking user settings
Check the Prevent user settings... box to prevent changes to the configuration
settings made by non-supervisory per-
sonnel in the Tools Customize, Tools Op-
tions and Tools CNC screens.
Locking the video window
Check the Prevent live video... box to lock
the position of the video window.