HEIDENHAIN SHB Data Interfaces for HEIDENHAIN User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 How to Use this Service Manual
- 2 General Information on the Data Interfaces
- 3 Connector Designations and Layouts
- 4 Wiring Diagrams of the Data Interfaces
- 5 Operating Modes of the Data Interfaces
- 6 Machine Parameters for the Data Interfaces
- 6.1 Machine Parameters for TNC 125, 131, 135, 145, 150, 151/155, 351/355
- 6.2 Machine Parameters for TNC 122/124
- 6.3 Machine Parameters for TNC 232/246
- 6.4 Machine Parameters for TNC 306/335/360/2500/CNC 234/TNC 370
- 6.5 Machine Parameters for TNC 310/410
- 6.6 Machine Parameters for TNC 406/407/415/425
- 6.7 Machine Parameters for TNC 426/430
- 7 Ethernet Card (Option) in TNC 426/430 Controls
- 8 Error Messages and their Causes
- 9 Tables