HEIDENHAIN IK 5293 User Manual
Ik 5000 quadra-chek
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Welcome to the QC5000
- About This Guide
- Chapter 1: Overview
- Chapter 2: Using Probes
- Chapter 3: General Measuring
- Chapter 4: Advanced Measuring & Output
- Chapter 5: Programming
- Chapter 6: System Setup & Configuration
- Index
- Icons and Type Faces
- Warning
- Caution
- Note
- Italics
- Starting The QC5000
- To open the QC5000
- Windows and Toolbars
- QC5000 Windows
- The Results Window
- Feature Specifications
- To move information from the results window to the features list
- Locked/unlocked features
- To unlock a feature
- To lock a feature
- Feature type diagram /feature stamp
- To open the feature stamp window
- The Part View Window
- Single pane part view
- Four pane part view
- View Rotator
- To use the view rotator
- Template Windows
- To separate template windows
- To nest template windows
- Status Bar
- To add items to the status bar
- To delete items from the status bar
- Main Menu Bar
- File
- Edit
- View
- Measure
- Datum
- Probe
- Tools
- Windows
- Help
- Toolbars
- Datum toolbar
- Measure toolbar
- Probe toolbar
- View toolbar
- Tolerance toolbar
- Program toolbar
- File toolbar
- To place a toolbar on the QC5000 desktop
- To remove a toolbar from the QC5000 desktop
- To add buttons to a toolbar
- To remove buttons to a toolbar
- Chapter 2: Quick Start
- Quick Start
- Set machine zero
- Create a reference frame
- Measure a line (minimum 2 points)
- Measure a circle (minimum 3 points)
- Measure a cone (minimum 6 points)
- Measure a cylinder (minimum 6 points)
- Measure a distance
- Save a part file
- Chapter 3: Using Probes
- Probing Technique
- Good probing techniques
- Bad probing techniques
- Probe Toolbar
- Probe teach
- Probe compensation off
- Cardinal probe compensation
- Polar probe compensation
- Auto enter
- Probe library
- Probe compensation
- Probe compensation off
- Cardinal probe compensation
- Polar probe compensation
- To activate probe compensation
- Auto Enter
- To activate auto enter
- Probe Library
- Probe Families
- & Groups
- HardProbe group
- TouchProbe group
- To construct a closest point of approach point
- To construct points from intersecting circles
- To construct a midpoint from two circles
- To construct a point from the intersection of a line and a circle
- To construct a midpoint from 2 positional features
- To construct a perpendicular point from a positional feature and a plane
- To construct a point from a linear feature and a plane
- To construct a point from the intersection of 3 planes
- Line Constructions
- To construct an axis line from a linear feature
- To construct a plane axis line (Normal Line)
- To construct a midline from the sides of a slot
- To construct a 2 point line from two positional features
- To construct a tangent line from 2 radial positional features
- To construct a line from the intersection of 2 planes
- To construct a bisector of 2 linear features
- To construct a perpendicular bisector of 2 linear features
- To construct a closest point of approach line from 2 linear features
- To construct a line from a positional feature perpendicular to a linear feature
- To construct a line parallel to a linear feature using a positional feature
- To construct a perpendicular line through a plane and a positional feature
- To construct a rotated line from the leg of an angle and the angle
- To construct a gage line
- To construct a line by projecting an existing line on a new projection plane
- Circle Constructions
- To construct a circle from a sphere
- To construct a circle from a cone
- To construct a circle from an intersecting plane and cylinder
- To construct a circle from an intersecting cylinder and cone
- To construct a circle tangent to 2 intersecting lines
- To change the location of a tangent circle
- Plane Constructions
- To construct a plane from the midpoint of a line
- To construct a plane from a line and a positional feature
- To construct a midplane from 2 planes
- To construct a perpendicular midplane from 2 planes
- Sphere Constructions
- To construct a sphere from a cone
- Cylinder Constructions
- To construct a cylinder from to 2 co-axial circles
- Cone Constructions
- To construct a cone from 2 co-axial circles
- Measuring Relations
- Distance
- Angle
- Distance Constructions
- To construct the length of an axis
- To construct a duplicate distance
- To construct a reverse direction distance
- To construct an absolute distance
- To construct a center to center distance
- To construct a farthest edge distance
- To construct a nearest edge distance
- To construct a distance from a positional feature perpendicular to a linear feature
- To construct the nearest to line distance
- To construct the farthest to line distance
- To construct a distance from a positional feature to a plane
- To construct a center to plane distance from a sphere
- To construct the nearest plane distance from a sphere
- To construct the farthest plane distance from a sphere
- To construct a bounded line distance from 2 lines
- To construct a nearest bounded line distance from 2 lines
- To construct a farthest bounded line distance from 2 lines
- To construct an unbounded distance from 2 linear features
- To construct a distance between 2 co-axial planes
- Angle Constructions
- To construct an angle from 2 linear features
- Saving Your Work
- To save a part file
- To export to a CAD file
- To export to SPC software
- To export to Microsoft Access
- Chapter 5: Advanced Measuring & Output
- Datum Magic
- To create a datum using datum magic
- Measure Magic
- To measure a point using measure magic
- To measure a line using measure magic (2 points)
- To measure an arc using measure magic (3 points)
- To measure a circle using measure magic (3 points)
- To measure a plane using measure magic (3 points)
- To measure a cone using measure magic (6 points)
- To measure a cylinder using measure magic (6 points)
- To measure a sphere using measure magic (4 points)
- Layers
- To create a new layer
- Current Layer
- To set a layer as current
- To assign features to new layers
- Displaying Layers
- To hide a layer
- To show a hidden layer
- To turn off a layer
- To turn on a layer
- To assign a color to a layer
- Alternate Datums
- To rotate the reference frame (datum)
- Offset Alignments
- To perform an offset alignment (primary plane)
- To perform an offest alignment (secondary line)
- To perform an offest alignment (zero point)
- Tolerancing
- Tolerance Toolbar
- To view the tolerance toolbar
- Bi-directional tolerance (circles, points, arcs, spheres)
- To perform a bi-directional tolerance
- Pass/ Fail Displays
- True position tolerance (circles, points arcs, spheres)
- To perform a true position tolerance
- MMC/LMC tolerance (circles, points arcs, spheres)
- To perform a MMC tolerance
- To perform a LMC
- Concentricity tolerance (circles, arcs)
- To perform a concentricity tolerance
- Straightness tolerance (lines)
- To perform a straightness tolerance (lines)
- Circularity/sphericity tolerance (circles, spheres)
- To perform a circularity tolerance
- To perform a sphericity tolerance
- Cylindricity tolerance (cylinders)
- To perform a cylindricty tolerance
- Flatness tolerance (planes)
- To perform a flatness tolerance
- Perpendicularity tolerance (lines, cylinders, cones)
- To perform a perpendicularity tolerance
- Parallelism/Co-planarity tolerance (linear features)
- To perform a parallelism tolerance
- To perform a co-planarity tolerance
- Circular runout tolerance
- To perform a circular runout tolerance
- Angle tolerance
- To perform an angle tolerance
- Width tolerance
- To perform a width tolerance
- Chapter 6: Templates
- Templates
- Features Template
- To open the features template
- Adding Data to
- Templates
- To drag and drop a single results window field into the features list
- To drag and drop a multiple results window fields into the features list
- Sorting the Features List
- To sort data in the features list
- Reports Template
- To open the reports template
- Adding Data to the Reports Template
- To drag and drop a single results window field into the reports template
- To drag and drop a multiple results window fields into the reports template
- Sorting Data in the Reports Template
- To sort data in the reports template
- Report Headers
- To show a report header
- Customizing Report Headers
- To place a graphic in a report header
- To arrange text and graphics in a report header
- Automated Text Input
- & Prompting
- Overlays
- To save a report header as an overlay
- To place an overlay in a report header
- Program Template
- To open the program template
- Template Properties
- To access the template features dialog box
- Template Features Dialog Box
- Display tab
- Filters tab
- To create a filter
- To modify a filter
- To remove a filter
- Misc tab (miscellaneous)
- Column Properties
- Standard column properties
- Appearence tab
- Formulas tab
- Parantheses( )
- Brackets [ ]
- Quote marks ""
- Min/Max
- Sample Formula
- To create the sample formula
- To modify a formula
- To remove a formula
- Runs Template
- To open the runs template
- To add data to the runs template
- Nesting Template
- Windows
- To nest template windows
- To separate template windows
- Creating New Templates
- To create a new template
- Export
- To export a tab delimited file to a spreadsheet
- To export a CSV (comma separated value) file to a spreadsheet
- Chapter 7: Programming
- Programming Overview
- The Program Toolbar
- Record/Edit Program
- Pause Program
- New Run
- Run Program From Current Step
- Run Just Current Step
- Recording a Program
- To create a program
- To open a saved program
- Running A Program
- To run a program
- Sample Program
- To record the sample program
- Creating User Messages
- To Insert A User Message
- Expanding the
- Program Toolbar
- Toggle Break Point
- Program Comment
- Edit Steps
- If-Goto
- If-Then
- Else
- Else-If
- Super Step
- Goto Label
- Offset Positions
- Toggle Break Point
- Program Comment
- Edit Steps
- If-Goto
- If-Then
- Else
- Else-If
- Super Step
- Goto Label
- Offset Positions
- To add buttons to a toolbar
- To delete buttons from a toolbar
- Conditional Statements
- Test Conditions
- Actions
- Arithmetic Operators
- If-Goto Statement
- If-Then Statement
- Else Statement
- Else-If Statement
- Parantheses( )
- Brackets [ ]
- Quote marks ""
- Min/Max
- System Setup & Configuration
- Before You Begin
- Hardware Setup
- Encoder Setup
- To setup encoders
- Troubleshooting
- Encoder Setup
- Encoder setup shows continual errors, beeps, or inconsistent wave output
- Encoder setup show one or two errors after calibrating an axis
- Encoder setup shows numerous errors after calibrating an axis
- Wave (amplitude) calibrates, phase does not calibrate
- TTL encoders will not calibrate
- Status bar freezes during calibration or other error message
- Encoder setup icon is missing
- QC5000 counts double, half, or wrong
- Supervisor Password
- To enter the supervisor password
- To restrict access to general options tabs
- General Options
- Buttons
- To set a button function
- Display
- Encoders
- To enter encoder resolution
- General
- To set machine zero
- Measure
- Part view
- Probes
- To enter the diameter of a qualification sphere
- Point Filtration
- Files
- SLEC (segmented linear error correction)
- To enter SLEC data
- Sounds
- Square
- To test for squareness
- To square axes
- Index
- Index
- B
- C
- CAD files
- Cardinal probe compensation
- cardinal probe compensation button
- center to center distance
- center to plane distance from a sphere
- Changing Probes
- Circles
- Cones
- Constructing Features
- Angle Constructions
- Circle Constructions
- Cone Constructions
- Cylinder Constructions
- Distance Constructions
- To construct a bounded line distance from 2 lines
- To construct a center to center distance
- To construct a center to plane distance from a sph
- To construct a distance between 2 co-axial planes
- To construct a distance from a positional feature
- To construct a duplicate distance
- To construct a farthest bounded line distance from
- To construct a farthest edge distance
- To construct a nearest bounded line distance from
- To construct a nearest edge distance
- To construct a reverse direction distance
- To construct an absolute distance
- To construct an unbounded distance from 2 linear f
- To construct the farthest plane distance from a sp
- To construct the farthest to line distance
- To construct the length of an axis
- To construct the nearest plane distance from a sph
- To construct the nearest to line distance
- Line Constructions
- To construct a 2 point line from two positional fe
- To construct a bisector of 2 linear features
- To construct a closest point of approach line fro
- To construct a gage line
- To construct a line by projecting an existing line
- To construct a line from a positional feature perp
- To construct a line from the intersection of 2 pla
- To construct a line parallel to a linear feature u
- To construct a midline from the sides of a slot
- To construct a perpendicular line through a plane
- To construct a plane axis line (Normal Line)
- To construct a rotated line from the leg of an ang
- To construct a tangent line from 2 radial position
- To construct an axis line from a linear feature
- Plane Constructions
- Point Constructions
- To construct a center point
- To construct a closest point of approach point
- To construct a midpoint from 2 positional features
- To construct a midpoint from two circles
- To construct a perpendicular point from a position
- To construct a point from 2 intersecting lines
- To construct a point from a linear feature and a p
- To construct a point from the intersection of 3 pl
- To construct a point from the intersection of a li
- To construct an anchor point
- To construct an apex point
- To construct an application point
- To construct bounding points
- To construct point from intersecting circles
- Sphere Constructions
- Cylinders
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Part coordinates
- Part View Window
- Planes
- Points
- Polar probe compensation
- Probe Calibration
- Probe compensation
- Probe compensation off
- probe compensation off button
- Probe Families & Groups
- Probe Library
- Probe library
- probe library button
- Probe Menu
- Probe Results Window
- probe teach button
- Probe Toolbar
- Probe toolbar
- Probes
- Probing Technique
- Program Template
- Program Toolbar
- Program toolbar
- Programming
- Projection planes
- R
- S
- T
- Template Features Dialog Box
- Template Properties
- Template Windows
- Templates
- Three-dimensional features
- To add buttons to a toolbar
- To open the QC5000
- To save a report header as an overlay
- Tolerance toolbar
- Tolerancing
- Angle tolerance
- Bi-directional tolerance (circles, points, arcs, s
- Circular runout tolerance
- Circularity/sphericity tolerance (circles, spheres
- Concentricity tolerance (circles, arcs)
- Cylindricity tolerance (cylinders)
- Flatness tolerance (planes)
- MMC/LMC (maximum material condition/least material
- Parallelism/Co-planarity tolerance (linear feature
- Perpendicularity tolerance (lines, cylinders, cone
- Straightness tolerance (lines)
- Tolerance Toolbar
- True position tolerance (circles, points arcs, sph
- Width tolerance
- Toolbars
- datum toolbar
- file toolbar
- measure toolbar
- probe toolbar
- probing technique
- Program Toolbar
- Edit Steps button
- Else button
- Else-If button
- Goto Label button
- If-Goto button
- If-Then button
- New Run button
- Offset Positions button
- Pause Program button
- Program Comment button
- Record/Edit Program button
- Run Just Current Step button
- Run Program From Current Step button
- Super Step button
- Toggle Break Point
- Program toolbar
- program toolbar
- To add buttons to a toolbar
- To add buttons to a toolbar
- To place a toolbar on the QC5000 desktop
- To remove a toolbar from the QC5000 desktop
- To remove buttons to a toolbar
- tolerance toolbar
- view toolbar
- Tools Menu
- TouchProbe group
- U
- V
- W