HEIDENHAIN IK 5394-3D User Manual
Page 314

Chapter 4 Programming
Initial Settings
Initial settings are the system settings when record button is clicked. Unless
intentionally removed by the programmer, initial settings is always the second
step of every program.
Click the + sign in front of the initial settings to view its steps.
The initial settings super step is expanded as shown.
Display part view map
Draws the part as it is measured in the part view window.
Hide position indicator
Hides the position indicator until the reference frame is saved.
Light control
Captures the current light control when the user clicks the record/edit button.
Probe path data
Inserts the default probe path data parameters into the program. Probe path
Data determines the velocity of the system when probing and traversing. It also
sets the approach, search, and retract distances for touch probes. Double-click
on the probe path data step to display the probe path data dialog box.