HEIDENHAIN IK 5394-3D User Manual
Page 480

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Chapter 6 System Setup
Allow crosshair probes to rotate
Probes that detect edges are most effective when oriented orthogonally to the
edge. Since feature edges can be positioned at any angle, edge detection probe
rotation is enabled by default. However, crosshair probes are point measure-
ment tools and probe rotation is disabled by default. Crosshair probe rotation
can be useful when the feature geometry makes the crosshairs difficult to see on
the screen.
Check the Allow crosshair probe to rotate box to
enable crosshair rotation.
Allowing video charts to rotate
Video chart rotation is disabled by de-
fault. Video chart rotation can be use-
ful when the alignment of the part in
the field of view does not match that of
the imported chart.
Click on the Allow video charts to rotate
box to enable video chart rotation.
Default crosshairs are difficult to see
Rotated crosshairs are easy to see