HEIDENHAIN IK 5394-3D User Manual
Page 226

Chapter 3 Probes
Selecting the light contrast orientation
The Worm probe light-to-dark or dark-to-light scan orientation must be con-
figured properly to acquire points. An orientation can be selected by clicking
the desired VED toolbar icon. Orientations include:
Light to dark transition
A probe configured to acquire a point on a light to dark
transition will not function on dark to light transitions.
Dark to light transition
A probe configured to acquire a point on a dark to light
transition will not function on light to dark transitions.
First transition
A probe configured to acquire a point on the first transition
will function properly on any clean, well-defined transition
Orientations can be
changed by double-click-
ing the front tip of the
probe as shown here.
Repeatedly double-clicking
the probe tip cycles
through the three light
contrast orientations.
Double-clicking the
tool tip...
changes the light
contrast configuration