1 p allet edit or – HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (34049x-08) ISO programming User Manual
Page 445

13.1 P
allet edit
X, Y, Z
(entry optional, other axes also possible):
For pallet names, the programmed coordinates are referenced to
the machine datum. For NC programs, the programmed coordinates
are referenced to the pallet datum. These entries overwrite the
datum that you last set in the Manual mode of operation. With the
miscellaneous function M104 you can reactivate the datum that was
last set. With the actual-position-capture key, the TNC opens a
window that enables you to have the TNC enter various points as
datums (see table below):
With the arrow keys and ENT, select the position that you wish to
confirm. Then press the ALL VALUES soft key so that the TNC saves
the respective coordinates of all active axes in the pallet table. With
the PRESENT VALUE soft key, the TNC saves the coordinates of the
axis on which the highlight in the pallet table is presently located.
Actual values
Enter the coordinates of the current tool position
referenced to the active coordinate system.
Enter the coordinates of the current tool position
referenced to the machine datum.
Enter the coordinates referenced to the active
coordinate system of the datum last probed in
the Manual operating mode.
Enter the coordinates referenced to the machine
datum of the datum last probed in the Manual
operating mode.
If you have not defined a pallet before an NC program, the
programmed coordinates are then referenced to the
machine datum. If you do not define an entry, the datum
that was set manually remains active.
Editing function
Soft key
Select beginning of table
Select end of table
Select previous page in table
Select next page in table
Insert as last line in the table
Delete the last line in the table