1 fundamentals, Tool movements in the program, Miscellaneous functions m – HEIDENHAIN TNC 128 (77184x-02) User Manual

Page 168: Fundamentals, Programming: tool movements 6.1 fundamentals

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Programming: Tool movements





TNC 128 | User's Manual HEIDENHAIN Conversational Programming | 5/2014



Tool movements in the program

The orange axis keys initiate the plain-language dialog for a paraxial
positioning block. The TNC asks you successively for all the
necessary information and inserts the program block into the part


of the end point of the movement

Radius compensation R+/R-/R0

Feed rate F

Miscellaneous function M

Example NC block

6 X+45 R+ F200 M3

You always program the direction of tool movement. Depending
on the individual machine tool, the part program is executed by
movement of either the tool or the machine table on which the
workpiece is clamped.

Danger of collision!

Before running a part program, always pre-position
the tool to prevent the possibility of damaging it or
the workpiece.

Radius compensation

The TNC can compensate the tool radius automatically. In paraxial
positioning blocks you can select whether the TNC is to extend (R
+) or shorten (R–) the traverse path by the value of the tool radius
(see "Tool radius compensation with paraxial positioning blocks",
page 164).

Miscellaneous functions M

With the TNC's miscellaneous functions you can affect

the program run, e.g., a program interruption

the machine functions, such as switching spindle rotation and
coolant supply on and off