File management, Managing files, Naming rules for a storage medium – H3C Technologies H3C SecBlade NetStream Cards User Manual

Page 239: Filename formats

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File management

This chapter includes these sections:

Managing files

Performing directory operations

Performing file operations

Performing batch operations

Performing storage medium operations

Setting prompt modes

Example for file operations

Managing files

Files such as host software and configuration files that are necessary for the operation of the device are

saved in the storage media of the device. You can manage files on your device through these


Performing directory operations


Performing file operations


Performing batch



Performing storage medium operations

, and

Setting prompt modes


Naming rules for a storage medium

Naming rules for a storage medium are as follows:

If there is only one storage medium on the device, the name of the storage medium is the name of

the storage medium type, for example, cf.

If multiple storage media of the same type exist on the device, the physical device name of a storage
medium is composed of the storage medium type and the sequence number of the storage medium.

A sequence number is an English letter such as a, b, or c. For example, for a device with multiple

CF cards, the physical device name of the first CF card is cfa, and that of the second is cfb, and so


If a storage medium is partitioned, the name of a partition is composed of the physical device name

and the partition number. The sequence numbers of partitions are numbers such as 0, 1 and 2. For
a device with only one CF card for example, the name of the second partition of the CF card is cf1;

for a device with multiple CF cards, the name of the third partition of the second CF card is cfb2.

If there is only one partition on a CF card, the partition name is the physical device name followed

by 0.

Filename formats

When you specify a file, you must enter the filename in one of the following formats.
Filename formats:

Format Description Length



Specifies a file in the current
working directory.

1 to 91

a.cfg indicates a file named a.cfg
in the current working directory