Network requirements – H3C Technologies H3C SecBlade NetStream Cards User Manual
Page 215

Actual frequency: 64.0000 Hz
Clock precision: 2^7
Clock offset: 0.0000 ms
Root delay: 0.00 ms
Root dispersion: 0.00 ms
Peer dispersion: 0.00 ms
Reference time: 00:00:00.000 UTC Jan 1 1900 (00000000.00000000)
# Specify Device as the NTP server of SecBlade so that SecBlade is synchronized to Device.
[SecBlade] ntp-service unicast-server
# View the NTP status of SecBlade after clock synchronization.
[SecBlade] display ntp-service status
Clock status: synchronized
Clock stratum: 3
Reference clock ID:
Nominal frequency: 64.0000 Hz
Actual frequency: 64.0000 Hz
Clock precision: 2^7
Clock offset: 0.0000 ms
Root delay: 31.00 ms
Root dispersion: 1.05 ms
Peer dispersion: 7.81 ms
Reference time: 14:53:27.371 UTC Sep 19 2005 (C6D94F67.5EF9DB22)
As shown above, SecBlade has been synchronized to Device, and the clock stratum level of SecBlade is
3, while that of Device is 2.
# View the NTP session information of SecBlade, which shows that an association has been set up
between SecBlade and Device.
[SecBlade] display ntp-service sessions
source reference stra reach poll now offset delay disper
[12345] 2 63 64 3 -75.5 31.0 16.5
note: 1 source(master),2 source(peer),3 selected,4 candidate,5 configured
Total associations : 1
Configuring NTP client/server mode with authentication
Network requirements
As shown in
, perform the following configurations to synchronize the time between SecBlade
and Device and ensure network security. More specifically:
The local clock of Device is to be configured as a reference source, with the stratum level of 2.
SecBlade works in client mode and Device is to be used as the NTP server of SecBlade, with
SecBlade as the client.
NTP authentication is to be enabled on both Device and SecBlade.