H3C Technologies H3C SecBlade IPS Cards User Manual
Page 131
Figure 15-2 Global settings for URL filtering (category-based URL filtering unsupported)
describes the global parameter configuration items for URL filtering.
Table 15-2 Global parameter configuration items for URL filtering
Enable category-based URL filtering
Enable or disable category-based URL filtering.
Enable user-defined URL filtering
Enable or disable user-defined URL filtering.
URL Category Server
Type the IP address and port number of a URL category server.
After category-based URL filtering is enabled, you need to specify a
URL category server.
HTTP Response
Configure the HTTP response method, which can be:
Redirect to URL: Redirect HTTP requests to a specified URL.
Click the radio button and type a URL address.
Return a Page: Return a page to the sender issuing an HTTP
request. Click the radio button and edit the content of the page to
be returned. You can type the content in the text box, or you can
click Browse, select a text file from the local path, and click
Output to Local
Select to output logs to the local database.
Log Setting
Output to Syslog Host
Select to output logs to remote syslog hosts.
Follow these steps to add a syslog host:
1) Type the host name, description (optional), IP address, and
listening port (usually port 514) in the text boxes.
2) Click
You can add up to 10 syslog hosts. The added syslog hosts are
globally effective.