Gasboy CFN III Config Mnl V3.4 User Manual

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Console Configuration

Page 82 MDE-4316C CFN Series CFN III Configuration Manual for Windows NT® · April 2007


POS starting pumps: This parameter specifies the starting pump number for consoles 1
through 4 (left to right). The number entered in the parameter for a given console is the lowest
pump number displayed on that console.

Figure 11-5: Example of “POS starting pumps” Parameter Usage

Console Number Pump Number(s) Displayed at Console

1 All pumps

2 4 and higher

3 8 and higher

4 All pumps

POS starting pumps: 1 4 8 1


*Number of pumps on POSs: How many pumps are assigned to Check Points 1 through 4?
Up to 16 pumps can be assigned to a Check Point.


Allow POSs to exceed safe-drop limit: Should consoles at the site be allowed to exceed the
safe-drop limit? That is, should they be allowed to start new transactions if there is more cash
in the cash drawer than specified in parameter 3 above.


Allow hand authorization of cards: Should the site allow transactions to be authorized by
hand, without a card being read by the console's card reader or manually entered (see
parameter 12 below)? Usually this means the transaction will be recorded on a credit slip. (The
site is informed of the authorization by, for instance, CREDIT CREDIT).


Initial user: Which user will automatically be signed on to a console or Profit Point at the site
when the system is powered up. The initial user is also the user who will be signed on after the
sign-off special function (special function 0) has been executed.

The user numbers and password used to sign on to the consoles are entered with the Site
Controller command ADD SIGNON.

If the consoles are to come up with no user signed on, specify -1. This means that a user must
sign on to use the console and that no user will be signed on after the sign-off special function
has been executed.


*Number of pump status lamps: All Check Points currently in use have 16 pump status
lamps. This number should reflect the number of pumps on the Check Point.


Allow hand entry of card data: Should the console user be allowed to enter the customer's
card number on the console?


Mod 10 check on hand-entered non-club cards: If parameter #12 above is set to YES,
setting Mod 10 check to YES provides a way to see whether the card number was entered on
the console accurately-provided, of course, that the card has a mod-10 check digit.