Page 8: serial port configuration – Gasboy CFN III Config Mnl V3.4 User Manual
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MDE-4316C CFN Series CFN III Configuration Manual for Windows NT® · April 2007
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System Parameters
Lockout on local verification (Fuel Point): For which types of cards does the Site Controller
check lockout when doing local verification for transactions started from a Fuel Point.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 14 specifies privately issued (club) and credit
Lockout on remote verification (Fuel Point): For which types of cards does the Site
Controller check lockout on remote verification for transactions started from a Fuel Point.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 234 specifies checking, savings, and credit.
Require sys-ID match for track-II vehicle module: Require sys-ID match for track-II
vehicle module. If yes, the Vehicle module must have correct system-ID for track-II card.
Page 8: Serial Port Configuration
Remote Port channel: The channel used for remote modem. If the Remote Port is not set to
zero for "None", ensure that the Remote Port Channel number does not conflict with the Log
Printer Channel or Host Handler Channel; else, a system lockup may occur.
Log printer channel: The channel used with the log printer. Ensure that the Log Printer
Channel number does not conflict with the Remote Port Channel or Host Handler Channel. If
you assign the same (non-zero) number to multiple channels, a system lockup may occur.
Special pump handler channel: The number of the serial port used for a non-Gasboy, non-
, non-Gilbarco pump interface-for example, a Unidynamics or Wayne interface.
Enter 4 if no special pump handler is used. If the Host Handler Channel is not set to zero for
"None", ensure that the Host Handler Channel number does not conflict with the Log Printer
Channel or Remote Port Channel; else, a system lockup may occur.
Remote port baud rate: The default baud rate is 9600.
Remote port terminal type: The default terminal type is VT52.
Remote port modem type: This is the type of modem that is used by the remote port:
0 = dumb modem (half-duplex)
1 = Hayes
2 = Hayes handshake
3 = direct or dumb modem (full-duplex)
Additional Hayes remote port command(s): Use to add commands to the default modem
Pumps on first Tokheim channel: If you have Tokheim pumps, this parameter lets you
designate how many pumps are on channel 1. This designation lets you split the number of
pumps evenly between channels 1 and 2, thereby increasing processing speed.