Gasboy CFN III Config Mnl V3.4 User Manual
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MDE-4316C CFN Series CFN III Configuration Manual for Windows NT® · April 2007
Page 13
System Parameters
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 234 specifies checking, savings, and credit
Check expiration date (reader): This item specifies which types of cards require the Site
Controller to check the expiration date when transactions are started from the island card
reader. The expiration date on the card is compared to the current date (or to an alternate
expiration date if one has been set by system parameter
, Transaction
Miscellany,) and the card is rejected if it has expired.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 1234 specifies privately issued (club), checking,
savings, and credit cards.
Lockout on local verification (reader): This item specifies which types of cards require the
Site Controller to check lockout on local verification for transactions started from the island
card reader.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 14 specifies privately issued (club) and credit
Lockout on remote verification (reader): This item specifies which types of cards require
the Site Controller to check lockout on remote verification for transactions started from the
island card reader.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 234 specifies checking, savings, and credit.
Reader default payment: This item specifies which type of account should be used as the
default payment type if the “Which account step” is not in the island card reader program.
Account types are: 1 = checking, 2 = savings, 3 = credit.
Show product price on reader display: For which types of transactions should prices of
products purchased be shown to the customer on the island card reader display. Some sites
may not wish to display prices for privately issued card transactions.
Types of transactions are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter
selected types as a string with no spaces; for example: 1 specifies privately issued (club) cards.
Pump must be on hook for reader transaction: A hose can be required to be on-hook to be
activated from an island card reader.
Auto receipt: When re-entering card, ICR prints without asking: Are receipts printed
automatically on the island card reader when the customer swipes the card again after
pumping? The default is no.