How to exit the configuration programs, How to print values, Help – Gasboy CFN III Config Mnl V3.4 User Manual
Page 12: Checking typing mistakes

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MDE-4316C CFN Series CFN III Configuration Manual for Windows NT® · April 2007
How to Exit the Configuration Programs
Whenever you are at a place in a configuration program where you are allowed to exit, the
prompt will say you can enter q to quit. If you are in a submenu, typing q will get you back to
the main menu. From there you can type another q to quit or select a new submenu.
If you type a q from the main menu, the prompt will ask you to type n to exit without saving or
y to exit and save any changes.
Any time you are allowed to enter a q to leave a submenu or a main menu, you can enter a
capital N to exit the program without saving any changes you may have made, or you can enter
a capital Y to exit and save. By entering a capital N or Y, you will skip the prompt asking if
you want to save your changes, and if you are in a submenu, you will bypass the main menu
and be returned straight to the system prompt.
How to Print Values
Use the -P option to print the present configuration values without changing them. For
CONSOLE -P prints the console configuration on the screen.
CONSOLE;> filename -P prints the console configuration to the designated file.
The configuration programs have a context-sensitive help facility built in. Anywhere there is a
prompt, you can enter a question mark (?) to have the screen display information about what
your choices are. If there is no help available for that prompt, you will just see the original
Checking Typing Mistakes
If you make a typing mistake and notice it before you press Enter, you can erase the incorrect
characters or the whole line.
Press BACKSPACE to erase the character to the left of the cursor. You can erase characters
back to the prompt.
To erase the current line, type a CTRL-U or a CTRL-X. (The hyphen means you are supposed
to keep the CTRL key pressed down while you press the second key.)