5 - local transaction printout format, 5 – local transaction printout format – Gasboy CFN III Config Mnl V3.4 User Manual

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MDE-4316C CFN Series CFN III Configuration Manual for Windows NT® · April 2007

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Local Transaction Printout Format

5 – Local Transaction Printout Format

A record of every transaction is printed on the Site Controller log printer. Use the disk-based
Site Controller command TRFMT to specify the format of the local transaction printout.
Transactions printed by PRINT TRANSACTION also have the same format.

The TRFMT menu has four lines:

• The first line has single letters that identify a field. One of these letters is what you enter

when you are prompted for a field position (Before which field: or Modify which field).

• The second line is the field type (by number) of the field beneath it. A second number for

a field indicates the offset into that field. (A complete list of all fields and their
corresponding numbers is below).

• The third line contains the field titles as they will be shown in the transaction printout.
• The fourth line shows how the transaction data will look beneath its corresponding field


When working in the menu, for a list of field types, press? and Enter at the Type of field

The local transaction format can include some or most of the following fields (some fields are
mutually exclusive-like Total Dollar Amount and Dollar Amount without Sum-so you would
never use all the fields):


Transaction number: A unique number assigned to each transaction by the Site Controller at
the completion of the transaction. This number is usually the first field in the transaction


Card account number: Prints all or part of the account number from the card. You specify a
number of digits (say, 4) and the offset into the account number. (If you enter 2 when asked for
the offset, the first two leftmost digits will not be printed, and the 4-digit field will be the third,
fourth, fifth, and sixth digits). You can include this field more than once to divide up the
account number into subfields. This is often used to display the subfields of club card account
numbers as different fields.

The total number of digits in all the account number fields should not be more than 19.

The format of the account fields usually corresponds to the user's club card format. For
example, if the account number is divided into three fields, a four-digit card number, a four-
digit employee number, and a four-digit vehicle number, each of these could be one of the
account fields. The fields in the transaction printout can be in a different order than they are on
the card.

When configuring account fields, additional prompting includes:

Auto entry - If set to yes, when using supervisor cards, the “ENTER” key need not be

used once the maximum number of digits in the field are entered at the reader.

Mask entry - If set to Yes, when using supervisor cards, asterisks are displayed at the

reader instead of digits when data is entered.