Gasboy CFN III Config Mnl V3.4 User Manual
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MDE-4316C CFN Series CFN III Configuration Manual for Windows NT® · April 2007
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1 – Introduction
This manual explains how to configure a Gasboy
CFN III using the configuration programs
located in the BIN subdirectory on your hard disk.
The configuration programs, in the order they are explained in this manual, are:
• SYS_PAR (system parameters)
• TRFMT (local transaction printout format)
• PERM (permissions)
• Key Option**
The name of each of these files ends in the extension. BIN-for example, PUMP.BIN,
TABLE.BIN, and so on.
*OFFROAD.BIN is not used to change the configuration. It is used to calculate an offroad tax
discount for fuel only. You can “configure” the offroad discount by editing the parameter file
(default file name is OFFROAD.DTA). For more information, see the OFFROAD chapter of
this manual.
**Also contained in this manual are the configuration settings for the new Key Option
available from Gasboy.
New Features in CFN III
An on-line configuration manual is available for the CFN III. This can be used as a quick
reference. The on-line documentation is a duplication of this manual. The on-line system
allows you to take advantage of the PC’s ability to display several windows and shifting
between them. The window that is displayed in front (on top of other windows) will be the
“active” window.
“Active” means that it can receive and execute commands. Click in the box at the bottom of
your desktop to display the window you want to view. Or you can use a key sequence of ALT
TAB to shift between windows to review information.
To open the on-line documentation, double click on the SC3 HELP icon. The on-line library
page will open. Click on the Configuration Manual. The table of contents opens listing the
BIN programs available. Click on the BIN program you would like to review.