Page 6: gate verification and miscellany – Gasboy CFN III Config Mnl V3.4 User Manual
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System Parameters
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MDE-4316C CFN Series CFN III Configuration Manual for Windows NT® · April 2007
Lockout on local verification (console): For which types of cards does the Site Controller
check lockout when doing local verification for transactions started from the console.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 14 specifies privately issued (club) and credit.
Lockout on remote verification (console): For which types of cards does the Site Controller
check lockout when doing remote verification for transactions started from the console.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 234 specifies checking, savings, and credit.
Where to send all Profit Point broadcast messages: Sending all Profit Point messages is
useful in video monitoring. The default is no.
Console requires attendant card for transactions: If set to yes, a transaction from the
console will require an Attendant card to be swiped following any payment card. If swiped
without a payment card, the access card will be treated as a Club and will not require an
additional card swipe. This allows attendants to charge customer’s cash sales to their attendant
Console requires Patron/Loyalty card for transactions: Enter 0 = No, 1 = Before, 2 =
After, 3 = Maybe. Patron is not required, but if swiped before payment, it is assigned to the
transaction and payment is prompted for. Default is 0.
Page 6: Gate Verification and Miscellany
Use remote verification (gate): Which types of cards are verified remotely for transactions
started from the gate controller. If local verification is also specified for a type of card, local
verification will be done if remote verification fails.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 1 specifies privately issued (club) cards.
Use local verification (gate): Which types of cards are verified locally for transactions started
from the gate controller. If remote verification is also specified for a type of card, it will be
tried first, and local verification will be done if remote fails.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 1 specifies privately issued (club) cards.
Require PIN (gate): For which types of cards must the customer enter a PIN for transactions
started at the gate controller.
Types of cards are: 1 = club, 2 = checking, 3 = savings, 4 = credit, 0 = none. Enter selected
types as a string with no spaces; for example: 1 specifies privately issued (club) cards.