Page 9: miscellany – Gasboy CFN III Config Mnl V3.4 User Manual

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MDE-4316C CFN Series CFN III Configuration Manual for Windows NT® · April 2007

Page 21

System Parameters

Page 9: Miscellany


Null pad CR/LF: The number of null characters to pad after a carriage return/ linefeed. This
is used for log printers and data terminals that do not have buffers in order to briefly hold input
during the time it takes the carriage to return to the beginning of the line.


Switch time-out: The number of seconds the pump control unit waits after a pump has been
activated for the hose switch to be activated. If the time-out is reached, the transaction is
halted. The default value (80 seconds) is usually adequate.


Pulser time-out: The number of seconds the pump control unit waits for the next pulse after
fueling has started. If the time-out is reached, the transaction is halted. The default value (80
seconds) is usually adequate.


Fall-back price level: The price level that will display on dispensers when they are idle. Price
from previous sale will be replaced by fall-back price for that product a certain number of
seconds after the sale is completed. This is also the level that the Site Controller will use when
it cannot determine the method-of- payment of a transaction.

(For Gilbarco MPD dispensers, it is recommended that level 0 be your fall- back price level
and that it be equal to your credit price, which should be price level 2.)


STOP pumps on RS-422 break: This item specifies whether any pumping transactions
should stop when a break occurs on an RS-422 loop.


Blank pump display after: The number of seconds the Site Controller waits after a sale is
paid before replacing the quantity sold and sale amount displays on a dispenser with zeros and
displaying the fall-back price (the fall-back price level is set by system parameter Fall-back
Price Level, above). The default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).


Blank pump price display: For Tokheim pumps only, should the price display be blanked out
during pumping for club cards only. The default is no.


Command search path: Specifies which directories and drives-and in what order-the Site
Controller will search for programs.


Zero quantity disable after: The number of consecutive zero-quantity transactions that can
occur on a pump before the Site Controller disables it. This feature is intended to disable a
pump in the event of total failure of the flow- sensing pulser. The default value (5 no-quantity
transactions) is usually adequate.


Reuse current sale on POS if previous unpaid: Should a new transaction on a POS be
allowed to overwrite the current paid transaction if the previous transaction is still unpaid?
Default is yes.

If you select no, you will not be able to start a new transaction until the previous transaction is
paid off. If you select yes, you will be able to start the pump whenever either the current or
previous transaction is paid off: however, occasionally a manual receipt may be unavailable
because another transaction (say, started from a island card reader) overwrote the current
transaction before the print-receipt button was pressed.