Comtech EF Data NetVue Release 1.1 User Guide User Manual
Page 229
NetVue Redundancy
Revision 3
NetVue User Guide
For 1:1 redundancy, there is one primary CDD-880 and one CDD-880 acting as a backup to the primary
M:N redundancy examples are:
Two primary CDD-880s and two backup CDD-880s, which is 2:2 redundancy
Three primary CDD-880s and one backup CDD-880, which is 3:1 redundancy
NetVue manages the CDD-880 redundancy. NetVue actively polls the primary and backup CDD-880
devices. Redundancy operation starts if one or more of these events occur:
The primary CDD-880 fails to respond to an SNMP poll three consecutive times
An error is detected in the operation of the CDD-880
The NetVue server polls the CDD-880 continuously for status and configuration changes. At ten-minute
intervals, NetVue downloads the primary CDD-880 configuration using FTP. You can set the download
interval. This recurring download cycle captures any changes made to the online device.
CDD-880 redundancy continues to run on the primary CDD-880. If NetVue detects an error, it copies the
configuration of the primary device to the backup device using FTP. Then, the backup device becomes
the primary device. Additionally, the failed primary powers down.
You must restore a failed primary to return it to online service. To prevent a network interruption or
outage, restore the failed primary during a maintenance window period.