3 width, 4 height, 5 anchor – Comtech EF Data NetVue Release 1.1 User Guide User Manual
Page 190: 6 single, 7 shadowurl, 8 shadowwidth
Advanced Configuration (System Display)
Revision 3
NetVue User Guide
10–53 width
In this mandatory width attribute, specify the width of the marker image in pixels.
If an image must be selected from an image strip, this width attribute must be the width of one single
image in the strip. See the single attribute below. height
In this mandatory height attribute, specify the height of the marker image in pixels. anchor
In this optional anchor attribute, specify the point of the image that must be on top of the map location it
has to mark.
Default anchor: Bottom middle of the marker image
If the marker image is 32 pixels wide and 32 pixels high, specifying “0,32” in the anchor attribute will
cause the bottom left corner of the image to be anchored to the map location. single
In this optional single attribute, specify whether or not the marker image is a single image or an image
strip containing a separate image for every Alarm severity.
NOTE: An image strip must contain nine images that each represent one of the
following Alarm severities: Normal, Warning, Minor, Major, Critical, Undefined,
Timeout, Masked, Initial. The images must occur in that same sequence. shadowUrl
In this optional shadowUrl attribute, specify the path to the shadow image file.
Enter an absolute path (starting with http://) or a path relative to C:/Skyline DataMiner/Webpages/Maps/. shadowWidth
In this optional shadowWidth attribute, specify the width (in pixels) of the shadow image.