Comtech EF Data NetVue Release 1.1 User Guide User Manual
Page 203
Advanced Configuration (System Display)
Revision 3
NetVue User Guide
Severitytext - Severity + Severity level. Examples: Critical High, Major Low. If the level is Normal, it is
omitted; for example: Warning Normal will be just Warning.
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Source - Examples: NetVue System, Correlation Engine, External
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Sourceid - Source ID
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
State - Alarm state. Examples: Open, Mask, Cleared, Clearable
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Stated - Alarm state ID
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Time - Time stamp
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
time:short - Shortened time stamp used in cell phone text messages (time only, no date)
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Type - Alarm type. Examples: New Alarm, Escalated From, Dropped From
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Typeid - Alarm type ID
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Userstatus - User status. Examples: Not Assigned, Acknowledged, Unresolved
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Userstatusid - User status ID
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
Value - Alarm value
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
value:short - Shortened Alarm value used in cell phone text messages (max 50 characters).
Correlation: Yes
Notifications: Yes
[1] Most recent base Alarm