7 netvue maps configuration, 1 center tag, 2 initialzoom tag – Comtech EF Data NetVue Release 1.1 User Guide User Manual
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Advanced Configuration (System Display)
Revision 3
NetVue User Guide
10.7 NetVue Maps Configuration
Top-level structure of a NetVue Maps configuration file
A NetVue Maps configuration file is an XML file. The file contains five main tags:
1. Center
2. InitialZoom
3. MapType
4. Layers
5. Scripts
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
Center tag
In the
center of the map when you open it.
In Google Maps, it is very easy to get the coordinates of a particular location. Right-click the location on
the map and choose What’s here? The latitude and longitude of that location show in the search box
above the map.
InitialZoom tag
In the
Enter 0 to have a map of the Earth fully zoomed out.