Chapter 12. netvue redundancy, 1 netvue redundancy configuration, 2 ctog/cdm-800 redundancy – Comtech EF Data NetVue Release 1.1 User Guide User Manual
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NetVue Redundancy
Revision 3
NetVue User Guide
Chapter 12. NetVue Redundancy
The NetVue manages several modes of redundancy for the Advanced VSAT product.
No redundancy, single thread operation
1:1, a single primary and backup device
M backup devices
N primary devices
12.1 NetVue redundancy configuration
The NetVue operates in Automatic or Manual redundancy modes.
Use Automatic mode when human intervention is not necessary. In Automatic mode, the system
automatically monitors primary and backup devices. If the system detects errors, it automatically changes
the redundancy states of the affected devices.
Use Manual mode when a person must manually cause a primary or backup device to change
redundancy states.
Configure NetVue redundancy during the initial network/circuit setup. Use the NetVue Provisioning Tool.
See the NetVue Provisioning Guide for more information.
12.2 CTOG/CDM-800 redundancy
The CTOG/CDM-800 uses 1:1 redundancy only. This type of redundancy has one primary and one
backup device.
NetVue manages the CTOG/CDM-800 redundancy. NetVue actively polls the primary and backup
CTOG/CDM-800 devices. Redundancy operation starts if one or more of these events occur:
The primary CTOG/CDM-800 fails to respond to an SNMP poll three times consecutively
NetVue detects an error in the CTOG/CDM-800 operation