2 propertiessourceinfo – Comtech EF Data NetVue Release 1.1 User Guide User Manual

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Advanced Configuration (System Display)

Revision 3

NetVue User Guide



operators: ==, ...

values: landmark, t*, tanker??, ...

NOTE: There must be a space before and after the operator. Passing TableSourceInfo data along in the map’s URL

The DataMiner ID, the Element ID and the table filter values can also be passed along as a parameter in
the map’s URL.

If, in the tag, you add an elementVar attribute with value myElement that refers to
an Element using the syntax DataMinerID/ElementID or NameOfElement, then you can omit both the

tag and the tag and use a map URL instead. The map URL would be like

one of these:


Notice the “d” character in front of the parameter name.

If, in the tag, you add a filterVars attribute with value myFilter, in a particular

tag, you can replace the fixed value by [myFilter] and pass the filter value as a parameter

in the map’s URL. The map URL would be like this:

Notice the “d” character in front of the parameter name.

NOTE: In the value of a filterVars attribute, you can specify several parameters if they
are separated by semi-colons (;).


1. In the tag, specify the NetVue Properties from which to retrieve the object


2. In the type attribute of the tag, specify the type of NetVue items from which to

retrieve the Property values: Views, Elements or Services.

3. In the tag, specify the name of the Property from which to retrieve the latitude
