Compuprint 4247-Z03 Programmer Manual User Manual
Page 218
Character Raster Patterns: Data in this field contains the actual code points (bit patterns) for the font
specified in bytes 0F and 10. If the font identifier matches an existing font ID, and one or more of the code
points specified in bytes 2 and 0B overlap previously specified code points, then the printer replaces the
character patterns of the previously specified code points, regardless of how they were originally loaded.
Note: We recommend that image data bits for the last vertical column of NLQ character patterns be all
zeros. The printer clips the graphics representation of the last vertical column if NLQ characters are
expanded for graphics printing (see “Set Character Cell Size” on page 166). Resident NLQ text
character patterns do not contain image data (dots) in the last column of the character box.
Programmer Manual