AMETEK CTS 3.0 User Manual
Page 97

User Manual
Compliance Test System 3.0
The IEC 61000-4-11 test suite consists of two types of tests:
Dips and Interruptions
Simulates short interruptions in AC supply
Voltage Variations
Simulates slow changes in AC supply
The user must select the desired test type before executing the test. Since both test types require
a number of test parameters, the test sequence parameters must be entered in the data entry grid
or loaded from disk using the File, Open menu entry.
The timing of voltage variations is different between editions 1.0 and 2.0 of the IEC 61000-4-11
test standard. While the original standard used voltage ramps on both sides of the variation test
level, the Edition 2.0 standard calls out an abrupt drop to the test level, followed by a voltage ramp
back to the nominal voltage. Thus, for Edition 2.0, the fall time must be set to 0 cycles. This
requires firmware revision 2.38 or higher. Older firmware revision will not accept 0 cycles for fall
time. The shortest allowable fall time for older revision firmware is 0.02 sec.
Furthermore, where under Edition 1.0 rise and fall times were specified in seconds, they are
specified in number of cycles in Edition 2.0. This is an effort to normalize both 50 Hz and 60 Hz
voltage variations. The data entry mode used by the Cigui32 or CIGuiSII program will be a
function of the edition selected by the user.
Refer to Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3 for an illustration of how these parameters affect the V RMS
output under the different standard revisions.
Figure 7-2: IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Variation specification- Edition 1.0
Figure 7-3: IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Variation specification- Edition 2.0