Customizing iec 61000-4 test parameters, About this chapter, Iec 61000-4-11 implementations – AMETEK CTS 3.0 User Manual
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Compliance Test System 3.0
User Manual
14. Customizing IEC 61000-4 Test Parameters
About This Chapter
This chapters covers describes how to modify aspects of IEC 61000-4 immunity testing to
accommodate different product committee requirements.
The available 61000-4 tests implemented in the CIGui32 or CIGuiSII program are based on the
most recent officially published test standard. Future changes in test levels can be
accommodated without the need to upgrade the CIGui32 or CIGuiSII program. To allow for some
level of customization, the CIGui32 or CIGuiSII will accept different test parameters that can be
edited by the user.
IEC 61000-4-11 Implementations
There are two versions of the IEC 61000-4-11 test in the CIGui32, one for iX Series AC Sources
with the -411 and / or the EOS option and one for iX Series that lack the -411 option. The .411 file
shown below applies to the latter implementation. The -411 firmware option based implementation
uses files with extension .411_Dips and .411_Vars. Both test file formats can be edited on screen
within the CIGUI32 program and saved back to disk.
Note that the CIGuiSII only support the
–411 option based IEC 61000-4-11 tests.
14.2.1 IEC411.411 File
IEC 61000-4-11 section header
Parameters that apply to both Dips and Variations
SeqRepeat = 3
Number of times each voltage fluctuation is repeated. Range 1 to 60.
SeqDuration = 10
Time between successive dips and variations. The standard specifies this
time to be no less than 10 seconds.
InterSeqDelay = 1
Time between each run of dips or variations. This time should be at least
1 second and no more than 60 seconds.
“User intervention required. Press OK when ready to continue”(message
displayed when GapDelay0 <0)
MeasUpdateRate =
Interval for updating measurement data in milliseconds. Range 100 to
60000 milliseconds.
Parameters that apply only to Voltage Dips
SeqNumberDips = 21
Number of sets of dips. Each set consists of SeqRepeat dips. Each set
has its own set of three parameters which follow. each parameter has a
sequence number from 0 through SeqNumberDips-1. They do not have
to be entered in any order.
CycleTime0 = 0.5
For each set number 0 through SeqNumberDips-1, the duration of the dip
in AC cycles.
StartPhase0 = 0
For each set number 0 through SeqNumberDips-1, the start phase angle
of the dip
TestLevel0 = 0
For each set number 0 through SeqNumberDips-1, the voltage level to
dip to in % of U nominal
-1 sets the user prompt. If >0 it sets the delay between dips.
Parameters that apply to Voltage Variations
FallTimeVar = 2
Voltage fall time in seconds. Must be between 1 and 999 seconds
HoldTimeVar = 1
Voltage hold time in seconds. Must be between 1 and 999 seconds
RiseTimeVar = 2
Voltage rise time in seconds. Must be between 1 and 999 seconds
VarLevel0 = 40
First voltage level to change to in percent of U nominal
VarLevel1 = 0
Second voltage level to change to in percent of U nominal