Delta Electronics AC Motor Drive VFD-G User Manual

Page 86

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Chapter 4 Parameters|

Revision July 2008, EG03, SW V1.06


02 - 07


02 - 08

Start-up Display Selection

Factory Setting: 00


Bit0~1: 00 = F LED

01 = H LED
10 = U LED (special display)
11 = Fwd / Rev

Bit2: 0 = Fwd LED / 1 = Rev LED
Bit3~5: 000 = 1st 7-step

001 = 2nd 7-step
010 = 3rd 7-step
011 = 4th 7-step
100 = 5th 7-step

Bit6~7: Reserved

This parameter determines the display on keypad after each power up.

To program this parameter the user must first generate a Hex value with the information above.

Then using the Hex to Decimal conversion to find the corresponding Decimal value and enter it

into this parameter.

For example, a setting of 21 (decimal 21= hex 010101) will display the “H” and “REV” LEDs

and the cursor will stay at the 3rd 7-step display upon power up.

When setting to U LED, please refer to 02-09.

02 - 09

Special Display

Factory Setting: 00


00: A displays output current of AC drive
01: U displays DC-Bus voltage of AC drive
02: E displays RMS of output voltage
03: P displays feedback signal
04: PLC display auto procedure state

This parameter chooses the display on the keypad immediately following the “U” user defined


“MODE” key will scroll from “F”, “H”, “U”, (Pr. 02-09), FWD, and back to “F”.

Users may also use the “LEFT” key on the digital keypad to switch display content.