Echelon IzoT Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 378

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OpenLNS Event

An action fired by an OpenLNS Server to notify an OpenLNS client application of a change to the
OpenLNS network. IzoT Commissioning Tool uses OpenLNS events to keep it synchronized with
other OpenLNS applications or plug-ins that are making changes to the network database.

OpenLNS Network Database

A database (also referred to as the network database), which includes the network and device
configuration data for the devices in a L




network. The network database also contains

extension records, which are application-defined records for storing application data.

OpenLNS Plug-in

An OpenLNS application that implements the OpenLNS Plug-in API. OpenLNS plug-ins provide a
standard way to extend and customize the functionality of OpenLNS applications and tools such as the
OpenLNS Commissioning Tool. For example, OpenLNS plug-ins allow device manufacturers to
provide customized software that simplifies the configuration, monitoring, or control of their devices
that work seamlessly with the OpenLNS Commissioning Tool and other OpenLNS tools. OpenLNS
plug-ins that are specific to a particular type of device are sometimes referred to as device plug-ins.
OpenLNS plug-ins can also add new functionality to OpenLNS applications such as alarming, logging,
and trending. The OpenLNS Plug-in API is compatible with the LNS Plug-in API, and LNS plug-ins
are typically compatible with OpenLNS tools and application that support plug-ins.

OpenLNS Server

A software platform for creating an open control system that supports multiple applications and service
providers by supplying the essential network services required for installing, operating, and
maintaining L




control networks.


A management command used on a functional block that causes output network variables to send their
configured override values. The override values are set using the configuration properties in the
functional block containing the network variables. The override values are sent even if part of the
network is not yet operating or there is no input to the functional block.

Passive Configuration Mode

A mode in which changes to configuration property values are manually propagated to one or more
devices without affecting the network configuration of the devices. Passive configuration mode
enables a plug-in to be used on devices installed by network tools not based on OpenLNS.


A type II PC (formerly PCMCIA) network interface card network that includes an integral TP/FT-10
transceiver. Other transceiver types can be connected to the PCC-10 via external transceiver pods.


A ½ size ISA network interface card.


A control strategy in which independent intelligent devices share information directly with each other
and make their own control decisions without the need or delay of using an intermediate, central, or
master controller. Because of the enhanced system reliability introduced by eliminating the master (a
single point of failure) and the reduced installation and configuration cost inherent in peer-to-peer
designs, L




technology supports but does not require a peer-to-peer control strategy.

Physical Medium

A communication environment that carries the modulated signals from sources to destinations in a
network. L




technology supports many media types, including twisted pair, power line, fiber

optic cable, radio frequencies, infrared, and coax.


Appendix B – Glossary