Echelon IzoT Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 101

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in the selected subsystem with available functional blocks will be


Specifies the device template associated with the functional block.

Functional Block

Select whether the functional block you are creating is static or

Static/Existing. Select a functional block that is defined in the

device interface.

Dynamic FB. This option is only available for devices that

support dynamic functional blocks (for example, a controller
such as the SmartServer).

Type / FPT File

If you selected Static/Existing, select the functional profile for the
functional block. The default is the functional profile for the
functional block currently listed in the Functional Block Name

If you selected Dynamic FB, select the functional profile type file
from the FPT File list.

Instance / FPT Type

If you selected Static/Existing, select which instance of the
functional profile in the Type box to be created.

If you selected Dynamic FB, select the standard functional profile
template (SFPT) or user-defined functional profile template
(UFPT) to be assigned to the dynamic functional block.


Select the functional block.

If you are creating a functional block from a custom SmartShape
that specifies a specific functional profile, the number of functional
blocks listed corresponds with the number of available functional
blocks matching the functional profile on the associated device.

For example, if you create a functional block for a 4-port digital
input device that has four digital inputs, four digital input
functional blocks (one for each input) will initially be listed. If
you then create a second functional block for the same device, only
three functional blocks will be available in the list.

If you are creating a generic functional block SmartShape, all
possible functional blocks for the selected device will initially be


Displays the scope and functional profile number of the functional
block using the form <Scope>:<Number>.

If the functional block is a LonMark standard functional profile
then the “<Scope>:” is omitted because it is 0.

New FB Name

Enter the name of the functional block. This name must be unique
within the device and should be descriptive of the task to be
performed by the functional block. The name may be up to 85
characters, but it may not include the period, backslash, colon,
forward slash, or double quote characters.

If the functional block was created from a master SmartShape or a
copy of an existing functional block, the default functional block
name is the name of the source functional block. If there is a
naming conflict, a separator character and an instance number
(starting at 1) are appended to the functional block name. For each

IzoT Commissioning Tool User’s Guide