Echelon IzoT Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 256

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To view the exported IzoT Commissioning Tool event log, find the XML file in
C:\Users\Public\Documents\LonWorks\OpenLnsCt\XML\network name and double-click it. The
file opens in your default XML viewing application, which is Internet Explorer unless you change it.
You can also open the XML file from a text or XML editor or report generator.

The exported XML version of the IzoT Commissioning Tool event log contains the following
information for each log entry.


Name of the OpenLNS CT drawing in which the event occurred.


The unique ID (within the OpenLNS CT drawing) of the event.


Date and time at which event occurred in the format year-month-date-time.


The user who generated the event.


The instance of the IzoT Commissioning Tool application that generated the

EventType ID

The type of event that occurred (for example, created, deleted, renamed,
SmartShape moved, connection added).

Object Type ID

The type of object modified by the event (for example, AppDevice, Channel,
Router, Subnet, NSI, Subsystem, Device template, LonMark Object).


The name of the subsystem in which the object is defined. This field can be
empty if the object spans multiple subsystems (for example, channels), or if
the subsystem no longer exists.


The name of the object that was modified. If the object no longer exists, the
name will be “Object ID:<n>” where <n> is the handle of the object. For
events related to network variables and message tags, the name will be that of
their functional block.


The handle of the subsystem in which the object is defined. Can be 0 for
objects that span multiple subsystems.


Maintaining Networks