No-cost device installation, Automated product activation, Increased device compatibility – Echelon IzoT Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 19: Longer database directory paths, Improved windows compatibility, Additional openlns events, New izot commissioning tool menus, Annual product maintenance, Improved microsoft windows, Compatibility

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devices that comply with the ISO/IEC 14908-1 Control Network Protocol. This includes devices
based on the FT 6000 Smart Transceiver, FT 5000 Smart Transceiver, Neuron


6000 Processor,



5000 Processor, FT 3150


Smart Transceiver, or PL 3170/3150/3120 Smart

Transceiver, and also includes devices based on third-party ISO/IEC 14908-1 protocol processors.
This reduces network installation costs, makes installation and maintenance costs more predictable,
and simplifies the installation process.

Automated Product Activation

You can quickly install and activate the IzoT Commissioning Tool software. When you install the
IzoT Commissioning Tool software on an Internet-connected computer, the installer automatically
connects to the Echelon License Server, the License Server issues activation licenses for OpenLNS
Server and IzoT Commissioning Tool, and the licenses are installed on your computer. If your
computer does not have access to the Internet, you can manually activate your software via e-mail or
phone using the Echelon License Wizard, which provides easy-to-follow instructions for activating
Echelon software products. See Chapter 2, Installing and Activating IzoT Commissioning Tool, for
more information on installing and activating IzoT Commissioning Tool.

Annual Product Maintenance

The IzoT Commissioning Tool software products each include one-year maintenance during which
you can download and install IzoT Commissioning Tool software updates and upgrades for free. You
can renew your annual maintenance anytime before it expires. Renewing your maintenance enables
you to continue installing software updates. If you do not renew the product's maintenance, you can
still use the product; however, you will not be able to install any updates or upgrades released after the
expiration of your maintenance period.

Increased Device Compatibility

OpenLNS supports network variables with up to 225 bytes. This expands OpenLNS compatibility to
include devices with network variables longer than 31 bytes.

Longer Database Directory Paths

IzoT Commissioning Tool supports network database paths up to 230 characters (the previous limit in
the LNS Turbo Server was 23 characters). This means that OpenLNS data can now be stored in any
user data directory on your computer.

Improved Windows Compatibility

The OpenLNS Server and IzoT Commissioning Tool are now installed in the C:\Program
directory by default, which is a more compatible location with Windows conventions
for program file installation. Windows has become increasingly more restrictive about default access
permissions on the computer’s root directory. These restrictions caused compatibility issues with LNS
Turbo and LonMaker Turbo Editions, which were installed in the C:\LonWorks directory by default.
If you have previously installed the LonMaker tool or other LNS application on your computer and
you already have a L




directory, IzoT Commissioning Tool will continue to use your existing


Additional OpenLNS Events

To improve synchronization between IzoT Commissioning Tool and other OpenLNS apps, the
OpenLNS Server includes new events for when device templates and extensions are updated.

New IzoT Commissioning Tool Menus

If you are using IzoT Commissioning Tool with Visio 2010, you now click Add-ins to access the
options previously available in the LonMaker menu (for example, network options, network

IzoT Commissioning Tool User’s Guide