Echelon IzoT Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 345

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The Functional Block category contains the following options.

Functional Block

Enable Automatic
Device Selection

Automatically assigns the appropriate device to a new functional
block SmartShape, thereby skipping the Functional Block wizard.
This option is cleared by default.

The functional block SmartShape must contain a functional block
type specification for this feature to work. This feature will
therefore not work for the Functional Block SmartShape in the IzoT
Commissioning Tool Basic Shapes
stencil. To accelerate network
design, create custom device master SmartShapes for each of the
functional block types that you typically use.

The order of the criteria used by IzoT Commissioning Tool to select
the appropriate device is as follows: (1) closest qualified device to
functional block SmartShape where the device is within 1 ½ times
the width of the functional block SmartShape, and then (2) device
most recently created or device that has most recently been assigned
a functional block. If no device can be selected using the preceding
criteria, the Functional Block wizard will appear.

Scope: All networks, current IzoT Commissioning Tool computer

Include Device Name
with FB SmartShape
in Drawing

Includes the device name in the name displayed for a functional
block in the OpenLNS CT drawing. The device name followed by a
period will precede the functional block name. For example, the
default name of a functional block SmartShape associated with a
second analog output device created in the OpenLNS CT drawing
would be AO- 2. AO- 1. This option is selected by default.

Scope: Current network, all IzoT Commissioning Tool computers

Create SmartShapes
for all NVs

Adds network variable SmartShapes for all network variables on a
functional block. This option is cleared by default.

Scope: Current network, all IzoT Commissioning Tool computers

Delete Dynamic FB
when FB SmartShape
is Deleted

Deletes a dynamic functional block from a device when its
functional block SmartShape is deleted from an OpenLNS CT
drawing. You have three choices:

No. The dynamic functional block is not deleted.
Yes. The dynamic functional block is automatically deleted.

This is the default.

Ask. IzoT Commissioning Tool will prompt you to decide

whether to delete the dynamic functional block.

Scope: All networks, current IzoT Commissioning Tool computer

Delete Dynamic NVs
when FB SmartShape
is Deleted

Deletes a dynamic network variable from a device when its
functional block SmartShape is deleted from an OpenLNS CT
drawing. You have three choices:

No. The dynamic network variable is not deleted.
Yes. The dynamic network variable is automatically deleted.

This is the default.

Ask. IzoT Commissioning Tool will prompt you to decide

IzoT Commissioning Tool User’s Guide