Echelon IzoT Commissioning Tool User Manual

Page 167

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1. Specify the device application by setting the following options:

Load Application

Select this check box to load an application image into a
Neuron-hosted application device that has writeable application
memory and comes with an application file (.ndl, .nxe or .apb

Update Firmware in
Device to Match
Application Image

Select this check box to upgrade or downgrade the Neuron firmware
in the application device to make the firmware compatible with the
application image being loaded into the device.

Each application image requires a specific version of the Neuron
firmware. If the application image requires a different version of the
Neuron firmware than the one already loaded in the device, you can
load the correct version of the Neuron firmware by selecting this
check box.

For a device to support firmware updates, it must be hosted on a
Neuron 5000 core or on a Neuron 3150 core with at least 32 KB of
nonvolatile memory starting at address 0.

If this check box is cleared, and the folder containing the selected
application file contains a version of the file that matches the current
device Neuron firmware with a file name of <appImage>fw<n>.apb,
where n is the firmware version, IzoT Commissioning Tool will
automatically load that application file into the device. Otherwise,
IzoT Commissioning Tool will load the selected application file into
the device.

Note: A device may become inoperable if there is a power failure
during a firmware update.

Image Name

Specify the pathname of the application file. If you specified a
device interface (XIF) file in the Device Template dialog (see
Creating Application Devices in Chapter 4) and you are creating and
commissioning the device at the same time, you cannot specify a
different XIF file. If an application image file is found in the same

IzoT Commissioning Tool User’s Guide