CANOGA PERKINS 9171 Command Reference User Manual

Page 378

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CanogaOS Command Reference


Command Syntax

show ip mroute [ip_address |count |route-limit |sparse |summary]

ip_address: source or group ip address

count: route and packet count data

route-limit: max route limit value

sparse: show sparse multicast routes

summary: provide abbreviated display

Command Mode





This example shows how to display the route and packet count data.

Switch#show ip mroute count

IP Multicast Statistics

Total 0 routes using 0 bytes memory

Route limit/Route threshold: 1024/1024

Total NOCACHE/WRONGVIF/WHOLEPKT recv from fwd: 0/0/0

Total NOCACHE/WRONGVIF/WHOLEPKT sent to clients: 0/0/0

Immediate/Timed stat updates sent to clients: 0/0

Reg ACK recv/Reg NACK recv/Reg pkt sent: 0/0/0

Next stats poll: 20:47:51

Forwarding Counts: Pkt count/Byte count, Other Counts: Wrong If pkts

Fwd msg counts: WRONGVIF/WHOLEPKT recv

Client msg counts: WRONGVIF/WHOLEPKT/Imm Stat/Timed Stat sent

Reg pkt counts: Reg ACK recv/Reg NACK recv/Reg pkt sent

This example shows how to display the max route limit value.

Switch#show ip mroute route-limit

Max Multicast Route Limit Number: 1024

Multicast Route Limit Warning Threshold: 1024

Current Multicast Route Entry Number: 0

This example shows how to display the summary of the ip multicast routing table.

Switch# show ip mroute summary

IP Multicast Routing Table

Flags: I - Immediate Stat, T - Timed Stat, F - Forwarder installed

Timers: Uptime/Stat Expiry

Interface State: Interface (TTL)

Related Commands

show ip igmp groups

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