Compex Systems Advanced SerialRAID Adapters SA33-3285-02 User Manual
Page 9

Example 7: To Change an Attribute of an Object .
Example 8: To Exchange a Member Disk Drive of an Existing Array .
Example 9: To Make a New System Disk.
Example 10: To Delete an Array.
RAID Arrays Creation and Change Attributes
RAID Arrays Change Attributes .
Hot Spare Pool Creation and Change Attribute .
Physical Disk Drive Change Attributes.
Action Attributes (RAID-1, RAID-5, and RAID-10 Only) .
Couple Action Attributes (RAID-1 and RAID-10 Only) .
Uncouple Action Attributes (RAID-1 and RAID-10 Only) .
Chapter 13. Using the Programming Interface .
Interface between the SSA Adapter Device Driver and Head Device Driver
PCI SSA Adapter ODM Attributes .
Device-Dependent Subroutines .
Summary of SSA Error Conditions .
IOCINFO (Device Information) SSA Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation .
SSA_TRANSACTION SSA Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation.
SSA_GET_ENTRY_POINT SSA Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation .
SSA Adapter Device Driver Direct Call Entry Point.
ssadisk SSA Disk Device Driver .