Compex Systems Advanced SerialRAID Adapters SA33-3285-02 User Manual
Page 265

bypass_cache_if_oneway=true/false (default=false)
With the attribute set to true:
If the partner fast-write cache becomes not available, the fast-write cache
operations to this disk drive are disabled, and an entry is made in the error log.
With the attribute set to false:
If the partner fast-write cache becomes not available, fast-write operations to
this disk drive continue. If the SSA adapter fails during these operations, some
data might not be flushed to the disk drive until the adapter has been repaired.
fw_suspended (default=false)
During a RAID-Copy uncouple operation, the fast-write function on the
specified disk drive is suspended (stopped temporarily). If this uncouple
operation fails to complete successfully (for example, because of a power
failure), the fast-write function remains in suspended mode after the using
system becomes online again. Use the fw_suspended=false attribute to
reactivate the fast-write function on this disk drive.
Creation and Change Attributes for RAID-1, RAID-5, and RAID-10
Arrays Only
You can specify the following attributes with the
option when you are using the
ssaraid command with the
option to create or change a RAID-1, RAID-5, or
RAID-10 array:
spare=true/false (default=true)
Normally, if the array is in the Exposed state, and a write operation to that
array is attempted, the array enters the Degraded state. You can prevent the
array from entering the Degraded state if you enable the spare attribute of the
array, and provide a suitable hot spare disk drive to the RAID manager that is
controlling the array. When the spare attribute is enabled, and a write
operation is attempted to an array that is in the Exposed state, the RAID
manager searches for an available hot spare disk drive to exchange for the
failing disk drive. This action prevents the array from entering the Degraded
spare_exact=true/false (default=false)
When used with the spare attribute, the spare_exact attribute modifies the
action of the RAID manager when the RAID manager attempts to exchange a
hot spare disk drive for a failing disk drive. Normally, the RAID manager uses
any hot spare disk drive that is large enough to replace the failing disk drive.
The spare_exact attribute causes the RAID manager to use only a hot spare
disk drive that has the exact size that the array requires. The size of the hot
spare disk drive is determined by the size of the other member disk drives of
the array. The sizes of all the member disks are logically truncated to the size
of the smallest member disk drive. The hot spare disk drive must also have the
size of the smallest member disk drive so that it can be exchanged for the
failing disk drive.
Chapter 12. Using the SSA Command Line Interface for RAID Configurations