Compex Systems Advanced SerialRAID Adapters SA33-3285-02 User Manual
Page 266

read_only_when_exposed=true/false (default=false)
With the attribute set to false:
If the array enters the Exposed state, and write operations are made to the
The first write operation causes the array to enter the Degraded state. The
written data is not protected. If another disk drive in the array fails, or the
power fails during a write operation, data might be lost. While the array is in
the Degraded state, however, operations to the array continue.
The rebuilding operation that runs on the replacement disk drive takes a
long time to complete.
With the attribute set to true:
If the array enters the Exposed state, and hot spare disk drives are not
enabled, the array operates in read-only mode until the failing disk drive is
exchanged for a replacement drive.
If the array enters the Exposed state, and hot spare disk drives are enabled,
a hot spare disk drive is added to the array when the first write operation to
that array is attempted. If no suitable hot spare disk drive is available, the
array operates in read-only mode.
spare_preferred (default=true)
This attribute is used with the spare attribute.
With the attribute set to true, a hot spare disk drive is selected only from the
hot spare pool that contains the failed member disk drive.
With the attribute set to false, a hot spare disk drive (if available) is selected
from the hot spare pool that contains the failed member disk drive. If no hot
spare disk drive is available in that pool, a hot spare disk drive is selected from
the default hot spare pool for that SSA loop (Pool A0 or B0). If no hot spare
disk drive is available in the default pool, a hot spare disk drive is selected
from any other hot spare pool that contains a hot spare disk drive.
User’s Guide and Maintenance Information