Compex Systems Advanced SerialRAID Adapters SA33-3285-02 User Manual

Page 251

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error log analysis that is related to a period longer than 24 hours, use the ssa_ela
command (see “Command Line Error Log Analysis” on page 232).

If the detail data field for the error record contains SCSI sense data:


SSA_DISK_ERR2 or SSA_DISK_ERR3 type errors do not generate an SRN.


DISK_ERR1 or DISK_ERR4 type errors (media errors) generate an SRN if more than
a predetermined number of these errors exist in the log. The SRN is 1XXXX, where
XXXX is the contents of bytes 20 and 21 of the detail data.


SSA_DISK_ERR1 or SSA_DISK_ERR4 type errors generate the SRN 1XXXX, where
XXXX is the contents of bytes 20 and 21 of the detail data.

If the detail data field contains SSA error code data, the first character of the data is
used as an error-log-analysis threshold value. If the number of times that a particular
error has been logged during the previous 24 hours is greater than the threshold value
for that error, an SRN is generated. This SRN is generated from the next 5 characters
of the detail data.



The following is logged for ssa0:

0400 0000 0000 00.. .... .... ....

Error log analysis produces SRN 40000.


The following is logged for ssa0:

2450 1000 0000 00.. .... .... ....

Error log analysis produces SRN 45010 only if this error has occurred three times for
ssa0 during the previous 24 hours.

If more than one type of error exists in the error log for a device, the error log analysis
determines which error code has the highest priority, and returns that error code as the
result of the analysis. Usually, the action of correcting the highest-priority error also
corrects the lower-priority problems.

Chapter 11. SSA Error Logs